The left is NOT celebrating US defeat in Iraq.
There are people, left, right, and center, in the United States who see
the diaster that the United States has gotten herself in to. Many,
like myself, warned actively about the danger from the first time the
fascists started pushing this war.
But this is not about celebrating anything, its about solving the
fucking problem.
The fact is clear: the United States is in a situation in Iraq that it
can not win, and will only result in reduction in its wealth, power,
influence, and security. Each man we lose in Iraq is a major victory
of Jihadists and now Bin Laden, who has used the war to move himself in
to the center of Iraq. Each man, woman and child the Iraqis lose is a
victory for radical Jihadists. Do the math yourself.
We need the wises soundest most considered policy we could have. The
US is in grave danger of facing a history that says 1. We were attacked
on 9-11, 2, so we invaded a nation totally unrelated to that event and
Sadly we have Bush and Rumsfeld, so defeat is unavoidable.
BUT, remember Vietnam and knowing what I knew about Korea, I can see
why people on the left are afraid that a defeat inflict upon the nation
by the right wing fascists of Bush and Company will be blamed on them.
Already the fascists propagandists on Fox News and other shitholes are
starting the myth that somehow Hollywood or some liberals are making
the Bush plan in Iraq fail, which they seem to believe would work fine
if there were no liberals.
Just as in Vietnam and Korea those who had the wisdom to see the error
of the war are likely to be blamed for its failure. And that is sad,
Ameirca is trapped in a long cycle of these kinds of wars, and now
living through one as an adult I see why. Ameirca is arrogant, and the
vast majority seem to believe that they are a super race select by God.
Defeats are never sources of lessons, but must come from those
elements in the society that are not up to god's standards.
Yesterday we killed and tortured Iraqis, today they fight back, and
tommorrow the government will persecute artists, homosexuals, thinks,
and journalists for the defeat. As in Korea, as in Vietnam, and now as
in Iraq.
America post WWII history is a predictable pattern of foolishness.