On Sun, 25 Sep 2011 00:32:40 +0100, Antonio Veranos
Post by Antonio Veranos[Sat, 24 Sep 2011 23:18:43 GMT]
: On Sat, 24 Sep 2011 23:13:00 +0100, Antonio Veranos
: >...and suspended for next week's game.
: >
: >There is no excuse for that kind of late, cheap hit. Despicable.
: >
: >--
: >Antonio Veranos
: 1. It was a late hit
: 2. He was penalized 15 yards
: 3. You are entitled to an opinion
It was late *and* he lowered his head to hit the QB in the face with the
crown of his helmet. He should have been ejected. If Saban has a bit
of integrity, that kid won't start next Saturday.
Antonio Veranos
I was not sure the head was lowered deliberately in an attempt to
injure the QB. If you had played any sports you would realize that
certain actions are natural. Natural in ths case being that one
usually hits the QB high, not low - and you don't hit with your face.
OTOH had I been calling the game and thought the action was
deliberate, I would have had no problem with ejecting him. If I had
called the game it would not have been Bama vs. Hogs - one team was
red and the other white and which was which would not matter. You may
not believe that but I was allowed to call high school baseball and
basketball games in which the school where I taught was a participant
by permission of the opposing coach. I also called high school
baseball games in my wife's home town.