On Mon, 27 Dec 2004 15:33:55 GMT, "Mr Pounder" <Mr
Post by Mr PounderI am hard pressed to name a location in the UK that I have not visited,
worked in and stayed in.
I am also hard pressed as to whether Sheffield or London wins my nomination
for the biggest shithole
in the UK.
The Sheffield folk are friendly but intensely thick (e.g. Screamingwitch +
followers) ........... a man will call another man 'love'.
London people are quite unfriendly, but they are intelligent.
Watch this space for my conclusion.
the conclusion that ANY one can draw is that yur a sad STALKING
BASTARD...who cant get enough of sheffield and ppl, in it...even in a
post which aint relevant to me and yer STILL banging on about lil ol
fuckoff you stalking cunt!
When you post peoples personal info, It's show that you have nothing
left and have been spanked real good. To bad you fell for that phony #
and addy.=(PMD.alt.talk.bollocks PI revealer)
This is what happened. I was riding home on my mule holding my rooster
and hen. My mule stopped on me. Now my mule won't move until I scratch
him behind the ears. Well the pastor's wife was walking by. I only
said "Pardon me Mrs. Hillbunker but would you hold my cock and pullet
while I scratch my ass", and the next thing I know is that the police have
me on the ground, handcuffed, and beating me with billy clubs.
"You have a woman's hand, milord! I'll wager these dainty
pinkies never weighed anchor in a storm."
"Your skin milord. I'll wager it ne'er felt the lash
of a cat ['o' nine tails], been rubbed with salt, and
then flayed off by a pirate chief to make fine
stockings for his best cabin boy."
"Ha. -Aah! You have a woman's purse! I'll wager that
purse has never been used
as a rowing-boat. I'll wager it's never had sixteen
shipwrecked mariners tossing in it."
"Oh! You have a woman's mouth, milord! I'll wager that
mouth never had to chew through the side of a
ship to escape the dreadful spindly killer fish. "
- Mad Captain Rum
Look into my eyes and it's easy to see
One and one make two, two and one make three,
It was destiny.
Once every hundred-thousand years or so,
When the sun doth shine and the moon doth glow
And the grass doth grow...
Needless to say, the beast was stunned.
Whip-crack went his schwumpy tail,
And the beast was done.
He asked us: "(snort) Be you angels?"
And we said, "Nay. We are but men."
Breaker, breaker, lookout, watch your back
Be afraid there's a Frisbee-like cat who's a mighty
sharp blade.
So the feared and revered reputation was made of..... Sailcat
"You're a very empty person.
If I were of a superstitious bent,
I would seriously pray for you.
Being of a more rational mien,
I realise you are simply irredeemable.
Whoever turned you into the person you are
has a lot to answer for, one way
or another."---JAF:uk.misc
i change my sig everree now and then.its no big deal...
like an insect that needs attention with a can of aerosol and a lighter,,
they are both short lived
"No one takes any notice of trolls posting through alt.net.news or whatever
anonymous server you idiots use." -- Mike Clayton
Frater V.V.L
Temple of Anubis No.2
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
Rosicrucian Order of Alpha et Omega.
def leppard....that is all